Ziegler Fiedler Steuerberater

As your personal mentor and partner we create genuine value for you and your business with a focus on digital and proactive advice and finding solutions.

About us

My career in German tax law already spans more than 10 years. I specialise in supporting and advising private individuals and their holding companies, as well as real estate enterprises and selected start-ups, on all matters relating to current taxation. As an expert in accounting and tax returns, I take a particular interest in process optimisation and digitalisation.

Career stages 

Flick Gocke Schaumburg Partnerschaft mbB
Supporting holding and real estate companies as well as private individuals

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Supporting operational start-ups and mid-sized enterprises

Tax consultancy
Supporting businesses and private individuals

I have many years of experience in supporting and advising companies, investors and start-ups on tax matters, and a wealth of expertise in accounting for and declaring complex tax issues. My advisory policy always seeks to find practical solutions. Having started my career with the Berlin Senate Department of Finance, I am very well versed in dealing with tax authorities. I specialise in providing tax advice to holding and real estate companies, and assisting companies with tax audits and other interactions with the tax authorities.

Career stages 

Flick Gocke Schaumburg Partnerschaft mbB
Supporting holding and real estate companies as well as private individuals

Tax consultancy and auditing firm
Supporting mid-sized enterprises and private individuals

Berlin Senate Department of Finance
Tax assessment, legal remedies office, tax audits

I have been advising national and international investors, founders and companies in all tax matters since serval years. In this context, I am focusing on the tax compliance and regular tax consulting of holding company structures, especially. Due to my profound competences in the German commercial and tax law I am able to advise my clients entirely and efficient.

Career stages

Flick Gocke Schaumburg Partnerschaft mbB Supporting holding and fund companies as well as private individuals KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Transaction tax consultancy of mid-sized enterprises


We offer you comprehensive, high-quality and proactive tax and business advice all in the same place.

Get to know us in an initial consultation. It gives us an opportunity to determine your needs together and clarify your expectations. After our meeting, we will produce a customised offer. If you wish to receive specific tax advice during the initial consultation, you will be charged only for the time taken up by providing the advice.

We concentrate on your individual and personal concerns and, by applying our proactive advisory policy, create genuine value for you and your business. We watch over your taxes and finances, and draw attention to areas where improvements can be made. In particular, we are pleased to offer you support and advice on the following topics:  

  • Company formation –> Are you looking to set up a business? We will gladly advise you on selecting the legal form, business planning, liquidity budgeting and much more besides.
  • Investments –> Do you want to invest in real estate, securities or other assets? We will be pleased to give you advice on maximising the tax efficiency of your plans.
  • Tax audits and legal disputes with the tax office –> Are you at loggerheads with the tax office and unable to see a way forward? We will gladly support you and assert your interests and those of your business against the tax office as effectively as possible with a view to finding a solution.
  • Gift tax –> Are you looking ahead and wishing to transfer your assets to family members in a tax-efficient manner? We will be pleased to advise you accordingly.
  If required, we can also put you in touch with our expert associates, including lawyers and notaries.

We will gladly discharge these obligations on your behalf. With us, it’s easy for you to sign off your tax returns digitally.

We will take care of determining both your accounting profit and your taxable profit.

We will maintain your accounts and keep you informed with regular digital assessments. For convenience, you can send us your accounting documents digitally.

We will be pleased to represent your interests when interacting with such organisations.


Our fee structure is shaped by our clients. In other words, we structure the scope of our services and the associated fees together with you, clearly and transparently. In consequence, the invoices we present will never come as a surprise. We give recommendations as to the best form of support, but you ultimately specify the scope of our services, which enables you to control the fees associated with our work.

If you wish, we will be pleased to offer a fixed fee for preparing financial and payroll accounts, annual financial statements and tax returns. The scope of services encompassed by the fixed fee is clearly defined in advance so that surprises are again ruled out.

Wir suchen Dich!

Wir sind eine innovative und digitale Steuerberatungskanzlei, die stets auf der Suche nach motivierten Talenten ist. Gegenseitige Wertschätzung und Teamwork werden bei uns großgeschrieben.

Eine Vollzeitstelle kommt für Dich nicht in Frage und eine Teilzeitstelle passt besser zu Deinem Leben? Kein Problem! Du bist in unserem Team herzlich willkommen!

Du bist vom Fach, motiviert und auf der Suche nach einem Arbeitgeber, der viel Wert auf ein gutes Arbeitsklima und eine ausgewogene Work-Life-Balance legt? Dann bist Du in unserem Team genau richtig!

Du hast den Ehrgeiz in nur sieben Semestern eine duale Berufsausbildung zum/r Steuerfachangestellten und ein duales betriebswirtschaftliches Bachelor-Hochschulstudium abzuschließen? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig! Aufgrund des hohen Praxisanteils der Doppelqualifikation bist Du anschließend perfekt gewappnet für den Arbeitsmarkt.

1. und 2. Semester – EUR 850,00
3. und 4. Semester – EUR 950,00
5. bis 7. Semester – EUR 1.050,00

Weitere Informationen
–> Website Steuerberaterkammer Berlin: https://stbk-berlin.de/steuerfachangestellte/
–> Website Oberstufenzentrum Lotis: https://www.osz-lotis.de/berufsausbildung/steuern/#doppelqualifikationen
–> Sprich uns gerne jederzeit an!

Wir haben großes Interesse Dich nach Deiner Ausbildung zu übernehmen!

Wenn Du Lust auf einen Beruf mit Zukunft und großem Weiterentwicklungspotenzial hast, dann ist die Berufsausbildung zum/r Steuerfachangestellten genau das richtige für Dich!

1. und 2. Semester – EUR 850,00
3. und 4. Semester – EUR 950,00
5. bis 7. Semester – EUR 1.050,00

Weitere Informationen
–> Website Steuerberaterkammer Berlin: https://stbk-berlin.de/steuerfachangestellte/
–> Website Oberstufenzentrum Lotis: https://www.osz-lotis.de/berufsausbildung/steuern/ 
–> Sprich uns gerne jederzeit an!

Wir haben großes Interesse Dich nach Deiner Ausbildung zu übernehmen!

Du studierst und möchtest nebenbei Praxiserfahrungen sammeln und Geld verdienen? Dann bewirb Dich bei uns und schnuppere etwas frische Büroluft!

Du hattest bislang noch nichts mit Steuern am Hut, fühlst Dich aber von unserem Webauftritt angesprochen und möchtest gerne Teil unseres Teams werden? Dann melde Dich gerne bei uns und wir schauen gemeinsam, wie wir Dich in unser Team integrieren können!

Du findest Dich in einem der vorstehenden Jobangebote wieder? Dann melde Dich bei uns und wir vereinbaren gleich ein Treffen (T 030 54631310). Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Ziegler Fiedler
Partnerschaft mbB

Wilhelmshavener Str. 41,
10551 Berlin

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